Municipal Parking Wall Painting

Down town Larnaca is undoubtably going to be the hot-spot for late night partying and fun. While most citizens respect their town, unfortunately this area also suffers a lot of negative activity and one such spot is the Municipal Multistory Parking place near Ayios Lazaros Chruch. The rear side of this building has undergone repetitive graffiti attacks involving some horrific messages. Despite countless attempts by the town hall to paint over the vandalism and start fresh, it just keeps coming back!

The Rotaract club would like to suggest a different strategy for dealing with this on-going problem. We plan to ask the town hall for permission to paint over this ugliness and replace it with our own graffiti or wall paintings. This might be a fun piece of art or a Larnaca themed canvas but the idea is create something beautiful and hopefully deter hooligans from the temptation of a blank white wall.

If you have any ideas for this space - we would love your feedback! We are looking for ideas for the painting itself as well as a way to transform the concrete planter at the base of the wall. We can't plant anything that needs water here but other ideas (such as wooden bench or cactus garden) are welcome!

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